We Are Committed To Your Recovery

With extensive negotiation and trial skills, our team is compassionate to each and every one of our clients' needs.

Representative Cases

Representative Cases

Wrongful Death

  • Motor vehicle accident that occurred in the San Joaquin Valley. The accident occurred when a big rig truck collided with the spouse of our client, killing him immediately. He was the sole wage earner and was self-employed. Recovery approx. $4 million.
  • Car accident involving an entire family that occurred in Woodland, CA. The accident involved a big rig driver who failed to pay attention to cars in front of him causing a chain reaction and killing an entire family. Recovery approx. $4 million.

Car Accidents

  • Car accident on Highway 49 near Auburn. Other driver failed to pay attention to their surroundings and caused the destruction of property and serious injury. Approx recovery $400,000.
  • Car accident involving a major company in California that occurred on Highway 5 near the Sacramento Airport. The accident caused serious injuries to a couple that required extensive medical treatment. Recovery approx. $2 million.
  • Motorcycle accident involving a single rider who was hit from behind at high speed. The accident occurred on a major Sacramento street. Recovery approx. $2 million.
  • Car accident where there was a disputed red light green light situation. Matter was arbitrated and the other party was found to be responsible. Approx. recovery $250,000.


  • A man was severely injured in a work site accident in a disputed liability case. There was some wage loss and extensive future medical care. This case was tried in federal court to an award of approx. $1 million.
  • A woman injured her foot in a local establishment in Elk Grove. The injury became very serious and after several arbitrations we were able to resolve the matter for over $600,000.

To schedule a free consultation with a Sacramento car accident attorney at our firm, call (916) 549-3994

One of our lawyers can go over what happened and the next steps in your particular situation. You may also contact us by email.


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