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Product Liability

Sacramento Product Liability Attorneys

Dangerous and defective products injure and kill thousands of California residents every year. At Aiken & Jacobsen, in Sacramento, California, our attorneys have extensive experience holding product manufacturers, distributors and retailers responsible for injuries caused by defective products.

Product Liability Lawsuit?

From defective auto parts to other dangerous product liability cases, our law firm can help you seek maximum compensation for your injuries. Talk to one of our Sacramento product liability lawyers today in a free initial consultation. Call (916) 549-3994 or contact us online. With more than five decades of combined experience, our team of attorneys is ready to protect your rights.

Effective Sacramento Products Liability Attorneys

Consumer and industrial products are required by law to be safe for their intended purpose, as well as any reasonable foreseeable uses. When a product is inherently unsafe, it must have warnings indicating the dangers associated with the product. Power tools are an example of inherently unsafe product. Products liability cases tend to involve one of the following issues:

  • Manufacturing defect — These are defects that result directly from processes, materials or workmanship during the manufacture of the product.
  • Design defect — This occurs when bad product design leads directly to the injuries caused by the product.
  • Marketing defects — Defects in marketing involve manufacturers, distributors and retailers selling a product for a purpose other than what it was designed to do. This often involves products that are safe for their intended purpose.
  • Failure to warn and failure to guard — When a product is inherently dangerous, manufacturers have an obligation to warn users of the dangers and do everything reasonable to guard against possible injuries.

Injuries caused by dangerous and defective products are often serious. Severe burns, chemical burns, amputations and eye injuries are not uncommon. Product liability cases involving wrongful death claims can also arise with cases involving industrial products.

Our attorneys each bring more than 10 years of dedicated personal injury experience to products liability cases. Whether through a settlement or a trial, we are prepared to help optimize the compensation our clients receive for their injuries. Our extensive knowledge or product liability laws will help strengthen your case.

Contact Our Sacramento Products Liability Laws Attorneys

If you or a member of your family has been injured by a dangerous or defective product, please contact Aiken & Jacobsen. We can be reached by calling (916) 549-3994, by email or by filling out the intake form on our contact us page.

To schedule a free consultation with a Sacramento car accident attorney at our firm, call (916) 549-3994

One of our lawyers can go over what happened and the next steps in your particular situation. You may also contact us by email.


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