We Are Committed To Your Recovery

With extensive negotiation and trial skills, our team is compassionate to each and every one of our clients' needs.

Hit-And-Run Accidents

Sacramento Hit-And-Run Accident Lawyers

Getting hit by another vehicle can cause serious injuries, financial losses and physical pain. When the other driver speeds away and disappears, your suffering and aggravation are multiplied. Fortunately, people who are injured in a hit-and-run accident may be able to obtain compensation for their losses and suffering. You should speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible concerning your case.

Your Uninsured Motorist Insurance May Provide Compensation

Drivers in California are required to carry uninsured motorist insurance. This coverage can provide a source of compensation in a hit-and-run accident case. Our lawyers have a comprehensive understanding of automobile insurance policies and claim procedures. We will apply our knowledge and experience to your case, seeking full compensation for your financial losses and suffering.

Put Our Experience To Work For You

Our attorneys have more than five decades of combined experience in motor vehicle accident litigation. We know how to investigate such cases, analyze insurance coverage issues and pursue compensation for our clients.

Both Leland J. Aiken and Brian S. Jacobsen represented insurance companies before forming our law firm. They know the techniques that insurance companies use to minimize compensation in car accident cases. When we represent you, we will fight to obtain full and fair compensation for you.

No Recovery, No Fee

Aiken & Jacobsen accepts personal injury and wrongful death cases on contingency. That means that you will owe an attorney fee only if we obtain compensation for you.

Free Consultation With An Attorney

Contact Aiken & Jacobsen to speak with an experienced Sacramento hit-and-run accident attorney.

To schedule a free consultation with a Sacramento car accident attorney at our firm, call (916) 549-3994

One of our lawyers can go over what happened and the next steps in your particular situation. You may also contact us by email.


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