We Are Committed To Your Recovery

With extensive negotiation and trial skills, our team is compassionate to each and every one of our clients' needs.

Dangerous And Defective Highways

Sacramento Dangerous Highway Accident Attorney

Effective Northern California Car Accident Lawyers

Millions of cars and trucks travel the roads and highways in Northern California every day. Each year thousands of these vehicles will be involved in accidents where poor road conditions and defective design caused or contributed to the severity of the accident. At Aiken & Jacobsen, in Sacramento, California, we have the skill, experience and resources to successfully handle litigation involving defective and dangerous roadways.

If You Have Been in an Accident Caused by a Dangerous Roadway | The Lawyers at Aiken & Jacobsen Can Help | Call Us at (916) 549-3994 for a Free Consultation

As with other types of municipal litigation, claims related to defective and dangerous roadways must be filed within 180 days of the accident. When we handle an auto accident case, we look for all possible sources of recovery for our client. Often municipalities know that roadways are dangerous and do nothing to ensure the safety of the driving public. Some of the common issues associated with defective and dangerous roadways include:

  • Bad highway design
  • Inadequate sight distance
  • Improper signing in construction zones
  • Defective traffic control devices
  • Poor highway shoulder area
  • Failure to install or maintain guardrails
  • Poor intersection design
  • Failure to properly maintain roads
  • Improper striping
  • Improper drainage
  • Inadequate warning signs
  • Improper curve or embankment

Cases involving dangerous and defective highways rely on the testimony of experts to show liability. Our firm regularly consults a wide variety of experts in these cases. From highway safety experts and accident reconstruction experts to medical experts and life-care planners, we are committed to demonstrating the cause of the accidents and the impact it has had on our client's life.

Contact Our Sacramento Defective Roads Attorneys

If you or a member of your family has been injured as a result of a defect in a Northern California highway, please contact Aiken & Jacobsen. We can be reached by calling (916) 549-3994, by email or by filling out the intake form on our contact us page.

To schedule a free consultation with a Sacramento car accident attorney at our firm, call (916) 549-3994

One of our lawyers can go over what happened and the next steps in your particular situation. You may also contact us by email.


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